Keywords: 1990s fashion; Alexander McQueen; fashion as performance; fashion shows; media archaeology
Keywords: inclusive wedding vendors; extramarket morality; politics of dress; fashion business
Keywords: fashion magazine; affect; ugly feelings; dress; COVID-19 pandemic; neoliberal feminism
Keywords: fashion writing; affect; mood; dress; COVID-19 pandemic; attunement
Keywords: Australian fashion; magazines; feminine ideal; whiteness; settler colonialism
Keywords: fashion; neoliberalism; feminist media; weddings; blogging voice; A Practical Wedding
Keywords: Aspirational realness; postfeminism; fashion branding; Reformation; Maryam Nassir Zadeh; Glossier
Keywords: Instagram; fashion influencers; fashionable ideal; fashion photography
Keywords: embodiment; theatrical costume; performance; memory; opera; contemporary dance
Keywords: fashion; performance; costume; Fashion Studies; Performance Studies
Keywords: Australian fashion week; spectacle; fashion shows; absent audience
Keywords: imagination; phenomenology of dressing; clothing; Women in Clothes
Keywords: dress; embodiment; memory; material culture
Keywords: style blogs; social media; digital history; first wave & second wave style blogging
An open access reading list of peer reviewed academic writing on fashion media and communication. Entries are organised into the following categories: Advertising, Branding & Marketing; Journalism & Criticism, Media Professionals & Influencers, Print Media, Social Media & Blogs, and Still & Moving Fashion Images.